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More traffic increase tips in social media

Traffic tip #1
You MUST have high quality, unique content if you want long-term,
free search engine traffic.
This is the most important tip of all. Sadly, it's one which many website
owners ignore.
Provide LOTS of information-rich, keyword-rich, useful content for the
search engines and humans to find.
You know that search engines are being clogged with junk at an alarming
rate. The other day, I came across a marketer who was boasting that he
owned more than 20,000 blogs - and he's not the only one.
Consider the scary effect of this exponential increase in low quality blogs
and websites. Old, large, well established sites will inevitably become more
and more important and trusted by the search engines.
Owning a large, well established, high quality site is a very solid investment
in your future.
These days, even Google's webmaster guidelines advise affiliates to
publish "unique and relevant" content.
If you spend time thinking of ways to provide truly USEFUL content that
people will talk about, you'll automatically end up with lots of free, one-way
links to your site as people recommend it without even being asked to do
I've been building information-rich websites ever since I created my first site
in 1996. This method has worked extremely well for me and continues to
work very well.
If your website helps solve people's problems, they'll love you for it.

Traffic tip #2
Keep ADDING fresh, relevant, useful content.
According to Google, about half the 2.5 billion searches done a day at
Google are for unique, one-off phrases.
The more pages you build full of on-topic material, the better the chances
your site will be found.
When it comes to keywords, think big. You want your site to be found via
THOUSANDS of different phrases every month.
Then you can lure that traffic to your best money-generating pages or to
your newsletter sign-up page.
Also, search engines prefer fresh sites which keep gradually adding new
content. Don't let your site go stale.
Super affiliate James Martell says:
"My own rule of thumb is this: Add a minimum of 1 article per week, 2
preferably. Adding an article daily is euphoria and adding 1 every six
hours, well, that's the best."

Traffic tip #3
Choose a memorable domain name.
If you're launching a new site, choose a name people will remember easily.
Years ago, I visited a site called "". Its logo is a man with
a fork in his head. Sounds dreadful, doesn't it?
However, all it took for me to remember that unusual site was ONE visit
years ago.
You may not wish to go to such extreme lengths, but at least ask yourself:
"Will people remember my domain name?"
At my four main sites, a large percentage of the visitors are people who
have remembered the domain name and typed it directly into their browser.
(I also own a site built in 1996 which has a totally impossible to remember
URL, but that's another story.)
Try to choose a name which won't be confused with similar names. You
don't want people typing your competitor's domain name when they’re trying
to find your site. has a handy tool to help you choose domain names. Also,
you can find a surprising number of good deleted (expired) domain names
at Both those tools are free.
Traffic tip #4
Buy the wrong domain name, too.
If you think people may confuse your domain name with a similar name, try
to buy that name, too.
I noticed that sometimes when newsletters mentioned they put the "s" in the wrong place and called it
It even happened at an Internet marketing conference I was attending. The
speaker kindly mentioned my site, but got the name wrong. Whoops!
So when that wrong domain name became available, I bought it.
Now, if you muddle up the name and type ""
you're automatically redirected to
It occurred to me that people in the United Kingdom, Australia and New
Zealand, who think "programs" is spelled "programmes", might also have
trouble getting my domain name right.
So I bought, too. It also redirects to the
correct domain.
A good domain name registrar will make it very easy for you to redirect one
domain name to another. is one that does.
Traffic tip #5
Make your domain name easy to read - especially if it's a .NET
Which of the following is easier to read and understand? or
See how using a capital letter at the start of each word makes the second
domain name easier to read - and easier to remember.
Whenever you mention your domain name anywhere, ALWAYS present it
in its most readable form. A good place to start doing this is in your email
signature file.
If you're unfortunate enough to have bought the ".net" version of a domain
name because someone raced you to the ".com", help people to remember
your site by writing it like this...
Being MEMORABLE helps you get more repeat visitors.more tips you can like follow my Blog 

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