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Breeding of grey Mullet pdf

Breeding of grey mullet

11.1. Distribution and importance

  • Grey mullets belong to the family Mugilidae and Order Mugiliformes
  • They are distributed in the Indo-Pacific region; commonly cultured in Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, etc.
  • One of the most important groups of brackishwater fishes cultured
  • Found in both the coasts of India, but is more abundant in the east coast
  • Hardy, highly resistant to diseases, euryhaline, herbivorous and easy to culture.
  • Widely cultured in South-east Asian countries in brackishwater and marine waters.
  • Harvested from Indian estuaries and coastal waters.
  • Form an important fish in pokkali fields of Kerala
  • Good food fish.
  • Mugil cephalus (striped grey-mullet) is the most important species and has good growth rate.
  • M. cephalus grows to comparatively to a large size (400-500g in 6-8 months).
  • Non-availability of seed is a major constraint.

Identifying characters

·                  M. cephalus has elongate and stout body, with emerginate caudal fin.

·                  Head moderate, concave between eyes.

·                  Mouth ventral, protrusible.

·                  First dorsal fin inserted nearer to caudal fin.

·                  Dull brown superiorly, lighter along abdomen; dorsal and anal fins stained with gray. Eyes golden.

11.2. Brood-stock development

  • M. cephalus broodstock is raisedin rectangularcement tanks in the presence of benthic algae and plankton and artificial feed.
  • Female brooders are selected based on ova-diameter.
  • Females that possess eggs having a diameter of 600 µm or more are selected for injection.
  • Gonadal development is synchronous and six stages gonadal maturity are found.
  • Mature brooders of 4-6 years are preferred
  • Does not spawn naturally in captivity.
  • Spawns naturally in open sea during May-August.
  • Difficult to identify ripe brooders based on morphological characters
  • Fecundity : one million/kg b.w.

11.3. Induced spawning

  • No. of injections – mostly two, interval between the two is 24 h
  • Water quality requirements: Salinity – 32-38 ppt, temperature - 27-320C
  • After 2nd injection, 2-3 males are released with one female
  • Dry method of fertilization is practiced, if necessary.
  • Spawning occurs 12-18 h after injection.
  • Hatching period : 16-30 h.

Hormones and dosage are as follows





Carp pituitary homogenate (CPH)

20 mg/kg

1/3 dose


5,000-10,000 IU/kg

1/3 dose


200-400 µg/kg


Synahorin (HCG + CPH)

10 – 60 Rabbit units


Larval rearing

  • Larvae are small, ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 mm and tend to avoid direct sunlight.
  • Hatchlings are fed with Artemia nauplii and zooplankton.
  • The larvae grow to fry stage in about a month and are ready for transfer to freshwater nursery pond.

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