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Breeding of milkfish

Breeding of milkfish

12.1. Distribution and importance

  • Milk fish belongs to the Family Chanidae and Order Clupeiformes
  • It is distributed in the Indo-Pacific region; commonly cultured in Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines, etc.
  • Found in both the coasts of India, but is more abundant on the east coast.
  • Milk fish is hardy, highly resistant to diseases, euryhaline, herbivorous and easy to culture.
  • Can be cultured in freshwater, brackishwater and marine waters.
  • It is not only an excellent food fish, but also an ideal bait fish for tuna.
  • Grows to 400-500g in 5-6 months.
  • Improved culture methods have led to higher demand for fingerlings, the main source being the natural waters.

Identifying characters

  • Mouth small and inferior.
  • Dorsal origin midway between front border of eye and caudal base.
  • Anal small; Caudal deeply forked.
  • Body bluish-grey above, sides and abdomen silvery.
  • Dorsal and caudal dusky.
  • Pectoral, pelvic and anal dotted with black along their margins.

12.2. Brood-stock development

  • Milk fish is heterosexual (no incidence of hermaphroditism).
  • Both wild and captive broodfish respond to hormone injection.
  • Captive broodstock is managed in brackish-water earthen ponds/cement ponds/cages.
  • Fed with supplementary diet.
  • Gonadal development is synchronous and six stages gonadal maturity are found.
  • Males mature at 4+ years, while females take 5+ years to mature.
  • Does not spawn naturally in captivity. 
  • Spawns naturally in open sea during May-August.
  • Difficult to identify ripe brooders based on morphological characters.
  • Ova-diameter (0.70 - 0.89 mm) indicates ripe ova.
  • Fecundity – 2-8 million/kg b.w. 

12.3. Induced spawning

  • No. of injections – mostly two, sometimes only one; interval between the two – 8-12 h
  • Water quality requirements: Salinity – 14-34 ppt, temperature - 21-310C
  • Interval between injection and striping : 6-17 h; stripping and artificial fertilization
  • Natural spawning is preferred as it is very sensitive to handling; repeated spawning is possible.
  • Hatching period : 20-25 h. 

Hormones and dosage are as follows





Salmon Pituitary homogenate

6-10 mg/kg

1/3 dose


180-2500 IU/kg

1/3 dose

Carp Pituitary homogenate

5-25 mg/kg

1/3 dose


10-20 ug/kg


Larval rearing

  • One-day-old hatchlings are fed with Chlorella spp.
  • From the 2nd day, rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) and Artemia nauplii are given .
  • In about 20 days, the larvae reach 12-18 mm.

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